Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Zombie Apocalypse! Part 2: Preparing for The Future


There are a myriad of different types of rifles to choose from. The type of rifle you decide to wield will depend on the environment you are fighting in and what environment you plan on evacuating to...provided you survive! One point of advice before you begin your search for the perfect rifle; stay away from muzzle loaded guns such as a musket. Even the most experienced sharpshooters will only be able to get about 2 to 3 shots off in a minute due to the time it takes to reload. A semi-automatic or an automatic will be able to get off many more shots in a minute or less. A simple .22 caliber rifle will suffice but for heavy damage, the .30-06 Springfield is the weapon of choice. It is suitable to use in close range (i would suggest sawing off about 6 inches of the muzzle for close quarters combat) and is equally useful as a long range weapon provided you are equipped with a scope. Other rifles and ammo which may be hard to come by but will serve their purpose are:

-M1 Garand
-Mosin-Nagant M1891(excellent sniping rifle)
-.50 Caliber

The weapon of choice for blowing away ghouls from close range. Whether you were to acquire an autoloader, pump-action, or break-action, you are sure to clear a path and extinguish a few undead lives. Be sure that you are familiar with how to fire a shotgun. If not held properly, the recoil could possibly dislocate your shoulder and that is one problem you don't need to worry about. Especially if you are on the run and the undead are biting at your ankles. For close range, I would suggest sawing off about 6 inches of the barrel to give the ammunition more room to spread out.

Crossbows and the Bow and Arrow
The crossbow and bow an arrow are excellent weapons to use if you are trying to remain hidden and don't want to attract any unwanted ghoul activity. Be that as it may, both weapon require some skill to operate and get a hit almost every time.   Most crossbows that are sold to the general public come equipped with a sight or some kind of scope. Not much skill is requires to fire one of these. The setup is similar to that of a handgun or rifle and doesn't create any recoil. The bow and arrow do however require a bit of skill and good aim to shoot. There are 3 types of bows to choose from. Longbows, Re-curve and compound bows. The first two require a bit of strength and good aim to work since the were made to load and fire quickly. A compound bow uses cams that act like a pulley system to reduce the amount of energy it takes to draw back the string. So now one could draw back a bow with 90 pounds of tension and hold it there for as long as needed till that unlucky ghoul happens to cross the path of your arrow.

Miscellaneous Weapons and Bludgeoning Tools
Other weapons and objects can be used to arm yourself as well as anyone traveling with you.

               -The Machete: Perfect for a wide array of uses such as hacking your way through the flora in temperate and tropical forests. The machete is also useful for slicing up food, cutting cloth for clothing and hacking off the head of a ghoul who strayed too close. Keep this weapon close by at all times.

               -Broomsticks: A broken broom? No problem. Everything on the broom can be utilized. If the broom itself is made of straw, it can be used to kindle a fire and is the broom is plastic, it can be used to repair a tear in clothing or melted down to hold objects in place. However, its not the broom itself that is most useful, but rather the broom handle. This can be fashioned into a spear to slay the undead knocking at your doorstep. Just be sure that the spear is jabbed directly into the eye socket, the easiest entry point to the undead gray matter.

               -Baseball bats and Golf clubs: These are pretty self explanatory. Just make sure you can escape quickly to avoid being surrounded by a group of ghouls.

**This section can go on and on for pages and pages but the truth of the matter is that anything item you find can be fashioned into a weapon. The purpose of this section was to inform and educate. When your in survival mode, you must think of the worst case scenario first and prepare for it because if your ready for the worst, everything else will seem to be easy, although one must never let their guard down. Ghouls will be lurking and could be around any corner or behind any tree. The key is to stay alert at all times!!!

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