Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Zombie Apocalypse! Part 1: The Beginning!

Zombies!!! We love 'em, we hate 'em, we may become them. However, if the right precautions are taken, you may survive. This is what this blog is intended for. To give you, the victim, key tips on how you can save yourself and your loved ones from an onslaught of zombie hordes.

1. Educate and Arm the Brain!!!!
There is nothing worse than stepping out onto the battlefield to face your opponent when you don't know anything about them. It is advisable that as soon as you hear any news about strange things happening to people around your area that you waste no time in doing your homework. It is always better to be safe than to be sorry. For example: You begin to notice around the community that people are walking around absent minded as if they don't know where they are! That is a sign to start doing some research. Or another example: You wake up one day and notice that your neighbor Prudence is walking around moaning and groaning. But wait...something isn't right...Prudence has been dead for 5 years now!!! This should be a clear indication that it is time to educate and arm the brain for times to come!!!

2. Preparations
Now that you have become familiar with your local ghoul, it is time to prepare physically. First and foremost, exercise and a formidable diet are a necessity. Be sure to train every muscle on your body and be sure you are taking in the daily amount of vitamins and nutrients the body needs to sustain itself. It is recommended that you keep your mind and body at peak performance at all times in case you are caught unexpectedly by the undead looking for their next meal. You better hope its not you!!!! Secondly, it is crucial that you gather anything around your house that can be considered a formidable weapon and put it all together and begin weeding through it all to see what is to be utilized and what is to be disposed of. There is no sense in carrying around items of sentimental value if they pose no legitimate use to you. Such items you may want to consider keeping may include:
1. a baseball bat
2. a crowbar
3. kitchen knives
4. an axe(most valuable of all melee weapons)
I would personally suggest that if you have any firearms to hold on to them as if it were the last gun on earth. They could mean the difference between life or death when trying to escape from a horde of ghouls. If one does not own any firearms, it is highly recommended that you obtain one through a local gun distributor A.S.A.P!!! Below will be a list of the different kinds of firearms that are available to the public or in severe situations, though stealing and looting.

Automatic and Semi-automatic Handguns
These will be the most readily available gun. There are many varieties and makes. Ammo is also readily available to the public in times of zombie infestation. It would be wise to find a .45 or .50 caliber handgun as they will stop a pursuing ghoul with 2 well placed shots to the chest but must still be finished off with a fatal blow to the head(more information on killing techniques later). Stocking up on plenty of ammo is also recommended. One should be familiar with his weapon of choice so it is recommended that you do some target shooting. As with any firearm, it is advised that one use extreme caution when operating a firearm. Misuse can lead to accidental injury or even death. Remember; if anyone or anything is going to die, it is going to be the walking dead. 
                                  **Continue on to Part 2**

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