Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Zombie Apocalypse! Part 4: Traveling in Groups and Setting Up Camp!

In the event of a zombie outbreak, it would be wise to try to establish or join a group of fellow survivors. Not only will it greatly increase your chances of survival, but its like the old saying goes; "Two heads are better than one." Being able to collaborate with others to complete a task is of the utmost importance during times of heightened ghoul activity. Also, being in a group means that when it is time to stop and rest for the night, there are plenty of living individuals to help set up camp and fashion a security system to keep the not-so-living individuals out. Keep in mind that your group may contain children and the elderly. It is recommended that they are the number one priority when it comes to protection.

Traveling in a Group
As stated above, traveling in groups is a sure fire way of greatly increasing everyone's chances of survival. Working as one unit instead of individuals is truly the key ingredient to proper survival group dynamics. A model survival group should be run as a democracy. No one person has any bad ideas, especially when it concerns the safety of the entire party. For a group to function properly, it should contain but is not limited to:
                   +Establishing a Leader: A leader is not there to shove orders in anyone's face or become a dictator. A leader should be chosen based on how well their leadership skills are and if they seem confident enough to pull the entire group through to the end. Their role is to make sure the group is together physically and mentally. 

                   +Formulate a Plan: This is one thing that may be repeated several times throughout this guide but it is VERY important that it becomes burned into your new way of thinking. This plan should contain issues such as what is the groups primary goal, where the group should travel or IF indeed the group should travel at all and establish a base camp (more on this in the next section), gathering food and water, medicinal supplies, weapons, etc.

                   +Become familiar with the A.C.I.D. plan: This plan is new for any survival guide due to the fact that it was created by me. It stands for "Assimilate Covertly Into Darkness." Do not be confused and take the word "darkness" for hiding or something more grim. The A.C.I.D. plan simply means that one, or in this case a group, should become one with their surroundings. Moving about without causing too much noise or drawing unwanted attention is what A.C.I.D. is and should be employed at all times.

Creating A Secure Perimeter Around Your Camp
Traveling in a group means that many people will become tired and want to rest. That is the same should you be traveling alone (a very foolish thing to do). Your group may have small children, infants and elderly individuals. It is important that you set aside time for rest and recuperation. This does not mean that you should let your guard down. Ghouls are just as active at night as they are during the day, if not more active!!! Setting up a security system around your locale is MANDATORY and should never be overlooked, regardless how tired you may be. Set up traps, rig together an alarm system that will alert you to any activity outside the camp perimeter, and make sure that there are sentries posted to keep watch. So everyone has a chance to get some rest, it is advised that their be a select few who rotate guard duty. Remember, being apart of a group means functioning as one unit and to keep that unit running smoothly, all of its vital parts must be in top working order. 

*If all of these steps are followed, there is no reason as to why your group won't be successful. This is only a guideline and can be used to create your own plan and forms of action. Just remember; No matter what plan you decide to use or create, it is of the utmost importance that your group RUN AS A SINGLE UNIT AT ALL TIMES!!! The undead are unforgiving and your survival is critical. Maintain a strong alliance and you WILL survive!!!

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